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2 months ago
There are so many Indonesian, Muslim and Christian women whose boyfriends pressure them into sex and then film it. Later they sell these videos and repeat the process again with "fresh meat".

I have a friend whose by just took photos if her topless, yet he went all out to destroy her. It failed because I told her who to report him to.
ukhtibinal 3 years ago
my ex bf
Arak 2 years ago
Subscribe chenel piterW
Cenghur 3 years ago
Yuk ahh
suyoga nurpaoja sang pendakwah 2 years ago
"Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina, sesungguhnya zina adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji. Dan suatu jalan yang buruk." (QS. Al-Isra: 32
Bomat 3 years ago
Kontol kecil ,ceweknya kesakitan ,gile lo ,, 2 years ago
Udah keluar langsung panik mode on
CukuT JembuR 2 years ago
Hahahahaaaa.... Gayanya tuh cewe "aw sakit...."
Padahal mah itu memek uda KapaLan...
Baru Lima detik , kecil lagih 2 years ago
Hha 2 years ago
Cwe nya cantik. Tapi sayang kontol lu kecil pendek pula hha